Arnold Schiffman, P.G., P.Hg.

Master of Science, 1965 - Marine Geology, University of Southern California
Bachelor of Science, 1962 - Geology, City College of New York
Certified Public Manager, 1984 - Rutgers University

1979 - 1995. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. As Director of the Division of Water Resources and Assistant Director, I was responsible for the prevention, control, and elimination of pollutants discharged to surface waters, and the land and ground waters of New Jersey. Managed federal and state programs (Water Pollution Control Acts) for construction and discharge permits for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, pretreatment, sludge disposal, and underground storage tanks. Managed state programs for ground water discharge permits (land application, storage of solid and liquid wastes, landfills, impoundments, and septic systems); ground water aspects of RCRA facilities and Superfund sites. Managed surface water and ground water quality data reported by permittees and set permit fees based on quantity and risks of the pollutants discharged. Established requirements for ground-water monitoring and set ground-water cleanup standards and requirements for state Superfund sites and RCRA facilities. Established ground water cleanup requirements for property transfers subject to the State Environmental Cleanup and Responsibility Act, and for cleanup of ground water contamination from leaking underground storage tanks. Managed the study and evaluation of contaminated public and domestic water supply wells. Established technical and administrative requirements for the control and cleanup of ground water pollution at hundreds of contaminated sites in New Jersey.

1993 - 1994. Mercier Expert Committee, Quebec Department of the Environment. The Committee consisted of six international experts (2 from Canada, 2 from USA, 2 from western Europe) retained by the government of Quebec to evaluate ground water and soil contamination at the "Mercier contaminated site" near Montreal (largest contaminated site in Canada). The Committee was responsible for preparing a report to determine the nature and extent of soil and ground water contamination, the degree of remediation necessary to adequately protect public health and the environment, and recommend methods to remediate the site.

1967 - 1979. Maryland Water Resources Administration.
Responsible for the administration, implementation, development, and planning of federal, state and local government programs for: control of pollutant discharges from industry, municipalities, and agriculture to surface and ground waters; control of hazardous wastes (disposal, transporters, manifest system); planning for
state management of solid and hazardous wastes; management of the withdrawal of surface and ground waters; dredging and filling in wetlands; construction of dams; construction in streams and flood plains (sediment control programs); and surface mining. Conducted studies on ground water availability and pollution utilizing drill rigs and geophysical well logging equipment; evaluated sites for sanitary landfills and disposal of sewage sludge; enforced standards for construction of water wells.

1965 - 1967. California Department of Water Resources. Responsible for conducting ground water quality investigations culminating in technical reports (water quality data collection and analyses, aquifer tests, use of remote sensing techniques and geophysical surveys).

1979 - 1982. Appointed by Governor of New Jersey as Director, Division of Water Resources, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

1994 - 1995. Member, State review team for EPA’s Hazardous Waste Identification Rule (HWIR).

1993. Training Course, Hazardous Materials Incident Response Operations. Testified on bills before state legislatures and United States Congress; acted as a hearing officer at administrative hearings; wrote regulations and testified at administrative hearings and in court. Qualified as expert witness in New Jersey (Hydrogeology). Skilled in writing (BASIC programs) and using analytical computer models for ground water flow and pollutant transport.

American Institute of Professional Geologists (Certified Professional Geologist #6589)
American Institute of Hydrology (Certified Professional Hydrogeologist, #347)
State of Florida (Licensed Professional Geologist, #496)
State of Pennsylvania (Licensed Professional Geologist, #001123)

American Geophysical Union
National Ground Water Association
American Institute of Professional Geologists
American Institute of Hydrology

1990 to Present Member, Executive Committee, Northeast Section, American Institute of Professional Geologists.
1992 Director, Board of Directors of the Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers.
1983 to 1988 Chairman, Advisory Committee on New Jersey Standards for Construction of On-Site Wastewater Disposal Facilities.
1982 Member, Board of Directors, Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Officials.
1978 to 1979 Member, Maryland Council on Toxic Substances. Advised on health and environmental risks of toxic substances and application of the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) in Maryland.
1976 to 1979 Member, Maryland Drinking Water Advisory Council. Advised on implementation of the Safe Drinking Water Act in Maryland.
1969 to 1979 Member, Maryland State Board of Well Drillers.


"Energy Measurements in the Swash-Surf Zone." Journal of Limnology and Oceanography. Vol. 10, 1965.

"Disposal of Hazardous and Industrial Wastes in Maryland." Water Resources Administration. November 1975.

"Impact of 1977 Federal Legislation on Maryland’s Discharge Permit Program." Meeting, Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, Front Royal Virginia. October 19-20, 1978.

"Controlling Impoundments Which May Pollute Ground Water." Water and Sewage Works. Vol. 125, No. 1, 1978.

"Preventing Ground Water Contamination: New Jersey’s Program." Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the Environmental Defense Fund. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia. November 9-10, 1983.

"The Trouble with RCRA." Ground Water. Vol. 23, No. 6, 1985.

"Ground Water Contamination -- A Regulatory Framework." Ground Water. Vol. 26, No. 5, 1988.

"Cleanup of Polluted Ground Water -- A Solution in Search of the Right Problem." Ground Water Monitoring Review. Vol. 9, No. 1, 1989.

"The Role of the Hydrogeologist in a Regulatory Agency." Symposium: The Role of Hydrogeology in Ground Water Science and Engineering. Meeting, Geological Society of America. Baltimore, Maryland. March 14-16, 1991.

"A Comprehensive Review of Ground Water Contamination Sources in New Jersey" and "Ground Water Remediation Regulatory Approaches" 10th Annual New Jersey Environmental Exposition. Somerset, New Jersey. October 19-20, 1993.

"Basics of Ground Water Contamination and Contaminant Transport" National Ground Water Association. 1994 Mid-Atlantic Ground Water Exposition. McAfee, New Jersey. February 25-26, 1994.

"Report on Certification/Licensure of Persons Engaged in the Remediation of Contaminated Sites." Report to Governor and General Assembly of New Jersey. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy. December, 1993.

"Report on Improving the Effectiveness and Efficiency of DEP Permit Programs." New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. June, 1995.

"Contaminated Soil Cleanup Standards: Unreal Risk Assumptions-Contaminant Lost to Leaching." Tenth Annual Conference on Contaminated Soils, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. In press, October, 1995.

"Contaminated Soil Cleanup Standards: Unreal Risk Assumptions-Contaminant Lost to Degradation." Hazardous Materials Control Resources Institute, SUPERFUND XVI Conference, Washington, DC. In press, November, 1995.

"Investigation of Alternative Sites for a Nuclear Power Plant and Desalinization Plant." California Department of Water Resources. 1965.

"Sea Water Intrusion, Pismo-Oceano Area: San Luis Obispo County, California." California Department of Water Resources. 1967.

"Ground Water Occurrence and Quality: San Diego Region. "California Department of Water Resources. 1967.

"Investigations of Geothermal Waters in the Long Valley Area: Mono County, California." California Department of Water Resources. 1967.

"The Report to Congress: Waste Disposal Practices and Their Effects on Ground Water." United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1977.

"A Field Reconnaissance Investigation of Sanitary Landfills in Maryland." Water Resources Administration. March, 1978.

"Funding our Environmental Future: General Proceedings EPA Region I Conference on Public/Private Partnerships and Alternative Financing Mechanisms." United States Environmental Protection Agency, November, 1989.

"A Conceptual Framework for Remediating the Contamination at the Mercier Site." Report prepared by the Committee of Experts mandated by MENVIQ. Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère de l’Environment. January, 1994.


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